The Evolution of Social Media Strategies: From Basic Posting to Advanced Targeting

Social media has come a long way since the early days of MySpace and Friendster. Over the years, social media platforms have become a vital part of businesses’ marketing strategies, allowing them to connect with their target audience in more ways than ever before. In this blog, we will explore the evolution of social media strategies from basic posting to advanced targeting.

The Evolution of Social Media Strategies: From Basic Posting to Advanced Targeting

Phase 1: Basic Posting

In the early days of social media, businesses simply used social media platforms as a way to post updates and share news about their company. There was little focus on engagement or building relationships with customers. The goal was simply to be present on social media and have a profile that potential customers could visit.

Phase 2: Building Communities

As social media became more popular, businesses began to realise the potential for building communities on social media platforms. They started to focus on creating engaging content that would attract followers and encourage them to interact with the brand. This phase marked the beginning of the importance of building a brand’s social media presence.

Phase 3: Paid Advertising

As social media platforms became more crowded and the competition for attention increased, businesses started to invest in paid advertising. This allowed them to reach a larger audience and target specific demographics. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn all introduced advertising options for businesses to promote their brand.

Phase 4: Advanced Targeting

Today, social media strategies have evolved to a level where businesses can use advanced targeting to reach specific audiences. With tools such as Facebook Ads Manager and Twitter Ads, businesses can create highly targeted campaigns that reach users based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Social media platforms have also introduced tools that allow businesses to retarget users who have previously interacted with their brand. This means businesses can create highly personalised campaigns that are more likely to convert.

In conclusion, the evolution of social media strategies has come a long way since the early days of basic posting. Today, businesses can use advanced targeting to reach specific audiences, build communities, and create highly personalised campaigns. As social media continues to evolve, it’s important for businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies to ensure they stay ahead of the competition.

5 Ways to Upskill Your Marketing & Sales Teams

As the marketing and sales landscape continues to evolve, it’s important to ensure that your teams are up-to-date on the latest trends and strategies to achieve success. Upskilling your marketing and sales teams can help improve their performance, increase productivity, and ultimately drive better results for your business. Here are five effective strategies to upskill your marketing and sales teams:

5 Ways to Upskill Your Marketing & Sales Teams

Invest in Training Programs: Providing training programs for your teams can be an effective way to upskill them on the latest marketing and sales techniques. These programs can range from in-person workshops to online courses and certifications. By investing in training programs, you can help your teams stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in their field.

Offer Mentorship Programs: Pairing experienced team members with junior colleagues can be an effective way to provide on-the-job training and guidance. Mentorship programs can help foster a culture of learning and development within your organisation and provide your teams with valuable insights and feedback.

Encourage Collaboration: Collaboration can be a powerful tool for upskilling your teams. Encourage your marketing and sales teams to work together on projects and initiatives, share ideas, and provide feedback to one another. This can help improve communication, build stronger relationships, and foster a culture of continuous learning.

Provide Access to Industry Events: Attending industry events such as conferences, trade shows, and networking events can be a great way to upskill your teams. These events provide opportunities to learn from experts in the field, network with other professionals, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and innovations.

Emphasise the Importance of Self-Learning: Finally, it’s important to emphasise the importance of self-learning and encourage your teams to take ownership of their own development. Encourage them to read industry publications, participate in webinars and online communities, and seek out opportunities for professional growth and development.

By implementing these strategies, you can upskill your marketing and sales teams, boost their performance, and drive success for your business. Remember that upskilling is an ongoing process, and it’s important to continue to invest in the development of your teams to stay ahead of the competition.

Using Video Marketing to Engage Your Audience: Tips and Best Practices

Start with a clear goal: Before you start creating your video, define your goal. Do you want to educate your audience, promote your products, or build brand awareness? Having a clear goal will help you create a video that is focused and effective.

Using Video Marketing to Engage Your Audience: Tips and Best Practices

Keep it short and engaging: Attention spans are short, so it’s important to keep your videos short and engaging. Aim for a length of 1-2 minutes, and use storytelling and visuals to keep your audience engaged.

Optimise for mobile: More and more people are watching videos on their mobile devices, so it’s important to optimise your videos for mobile. This includes using subtitles, vertical video, and clear visuals.

Use a call-to-action: Every video should have a clear call-to-action. This could be to visit your website, subscribe to your newsletter, or make a purchase. Make sure your call-to-action is clear and easy to follow.

Leverage social media: Social media is a great platform for promoting your videos and reaching a wider audience. Use hashtags and paid promotion to increase the visibility of your videos on social media.

Use analytics to measure success: Use analytics to measure the success of your video marketing efforts. This includes tracking views, engagement, and conversion rates. Use this data to adjust your strategy and improve your results.

Show your brand personality: Video marketing is a great opportunity to show your brand personality and connect with your audience. Use humor, storytelling, and behind-the-scenes footage to humanise your brand and build a connection with your audience.

Create high-quality content: High-quality content is essential for successful video marketing. This includes using clear visuals, high-quality audio, and a professional-looking video. Invest in good equipment and software to ensure your videos look and sound great.

Collaborate with influencers: Collaborating with influencers is a great way to expand your reach and connect with a wider audience. Find influencers in your niche and partner with them to create engaging and shareable content.

Test and iterate: Video marketing is a constantly evolving field, so it’s important to test and iterate your strategies. Try different types of videos, platforms, and calls-to-action to see what works best for your audience.

In conclusion, video marketing is a powerful tool for engaging your audience and promoting your brand. Start with a clear goal, keep it short and engaging, optimise for mobile, use a call-to-action, leverage social media, use analytics to measure success, show your brand personality, create high-quality content, collaborate with influencers, and test and iterate.

Data is a Crucial Part of The Growth of Every Business

How can we expect to run a successful business when unaware of how it is performing? Be it setting up annual or quarterly goals or the daily output of our teams, we need to be aware of each and every element in order to make effective business decisions.

In all these regards business data plays an extensive role and determines whether our business faces competitor head-on or just gets lost within the cut-throat market. Now the good news is there are various tools available that can help us gather data, but we need to be aware of how this data would help our business.

Today we will discuss various ways the business data that we gather can help contribute to our business success. So without further adieu let’s get started!


Data is the lifeblood of every business 

Data helps us analyse and improve business operations to enable us to make economic use of our money and time. Here are a few ways that data can help.

1) Understand your customers better

Data helps us figure out where our consumers are, what products or services they prefer and how effective are our marketing efforts. However such data if not segmented, can prove overwhelming and it’s easy to get confused.

Businesses need to be equipped with the right tools so they can leverage data to its full potential and makes effective decisions.  Some of the most popular tools available in the market are Microsoft Power BI, Tableau and QlikSense.

Once you understand your consumers better, not only will it be easier to attract them towards your brand, you will be able to get returning business from them.

2) Overcome business challenges effectively

All businesses come across problems that might seem difficult to solve, that’s just the inevitable cost of doing business. Once you analyse the problem from a different angle along with a complete overview of the business, the chances of resolution rise exponentially.

Data can help you pinpoint what went wrong. Then you can track and review processes to uncover performance breakdowns so you can take the necessary steps till the business problem is fixed.

3) Empower your decision-making

Any business with an online presence generates data, be it our business website, social media or payments made online. These metrics help us greatly while we make decisions to grow our organisation.

This data can even enable us to overcome the competition from larger organisations and help us make crucial decisions for Finding new customers and increasing customer retention. improving customer service, managing marketing efforts and Tracking social media interaction.


We hope you found views about the importance of data use and help pay closer attention to data gathering. In case you need assistance in setting up the data metrics for your business then please feel free to connect with us and we’d be happy to help you out any way we can.


Tips to Grow Your Business Through LinkedIn Marketing in 2022

When it comes to B2B marketing or B2B lead generation, the thought of Linkedin would surely come to mind. It is one of the most popular social media platforms used by over 600 million professionals to connect with each other or simply share thoughts regarding the industry they are in.

Not only this, Linked In enables businesses to keep a close eye on their potential prospects, and customers and check out what their competitors are up to. These elements make linked marketing extremely effective for B2B conversions and outreach.

In case you are looking for tips to use linked-in marketing to its full potential in 2022, then you are at the right place. So without further adeue, let’s get started!!


2022 tips to empower your brand with Linkedin marketing


Tip 1) Enhance your network

Growing your network through content marketing is one way to gain new followers. There are other things you can do as well.

You can use a mix of the following methods:

  1. Try Sharing other people’s relevant content if you find them useful for your industry.
  2. Don’t forget to ensure that all your employees are following your business page and engaging with your posts 
  3. Tag useful and relevant connections in your content promotions, 
  4. Invite your customers and partners to follow your page. 

It is also a great idea if you can get recommendations and testimonials from your successful customers. Good social proof or recommendations have their worth in gold when it comes to Linkedin marketing.


Tip 2) Keep experimenting for the best results

Marketing is all about trying different strategies till you come up with one that suits your brand the best. But as a business owner, you cannot stay stagnant, you should keep optimising.

Try out different times of posting and analyse which time of the day gets major action. Check out your competitor’s social pages and see that your business is not missing out on any sort of content.

By thinking out of the box you can even come up with a strategy that even none of your competitors are applying within your market niche.


Tip 3)  Make your page optimised for search

It’s about getting the spotlight in front of people that matter to your business. Implement SEO strategies to optimise your social page for searching.

Try to inculcate relevant keywords in your page content and try to work on your business description as best as you can. In case you are wondering which keywords to use? Try brainstorming with your team on the phrases or words that people might use while searching for businesses similar to yours.

After all, what would be the use of having a great profile, if it doesn’t get viewed by relevant viewers?


Tip 4) Always follow data-driven analysis

You need to make sure that all your LinkedIn marketing efforts are heading in the right direction. Nowadays almost all the major social media platforms come with analytical capabilities.

Linkedin analysis can also be divided into 3 parts:

Visitor analytics

Everything you need to know about the people who click on your page, including the number of page views, the ratio of visitors from desktop and mobile, demographic information such as job function, location, industry and company size.

Update analytics

Tracks your engagement metrics for all your LinkedIn example likes, comments, clicks and shares you’ve had within a specified duration.

Follower analytics

This includes all the information you need on your audience.


Final words

Linkedin marketing is truly an excellent option for B2B outreach and conversion if done the right way. However, it’s advised that you seek the support of an experienced digital marketing agency while getting started.

In case you have any questions then please feel free to drop us a line in the comment section and we will get back to you.


How to boost your organic reach through social media

Most digital marketers know that the best platforms to reach out to your audience on social media are Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. However, all these platforms allow content promotion through paid marketing, which is not always feasible, especially for small businesses.

It’s about creating a balance between organic outreach and paid marketing.

Having said that organic outreach is gradually decreasing across a majority of social platforms for various reasons. Now the question is what can you do to increase your organic outreach? In case you are wondering the same then you’re at the right place as we are going to be discussing exactly this in our article.


Things you can do to boost your organic outreach on social media

Nowadays all social platforms have started following the trends like Google’s algorithm. This means the more a piece of content gets engagement, the more viral the social platforms will make it.

1) Focus on what matters

Keep an eye on how many shares your content is getting using a variety of analytics tools available in the market. You can also analyse your competitor’s content and see what are the things they are doing right.

It is also a great idea to simply ask your audience directly about what kind of content would they be interested in viewing on your channel. But before you start with all this you need to decide on which social platform your audience would be most available on.


2) Fix up your social profile

Your social profile can be modified in a number of ways to make it more visible and optimised. If you wish to be popular on social media you need to be aware of all aspects of profile optimisation.

Here are some key elements to amp up your profile:

  1. An easy-to-remember name and logo
  2. Highly contextual and simple keywords in your description.
  3. Must have a traceable link to your website.

All these elements also apply to the images you are using as well as your call to action.

3) Post during slow hours

There seems to be a misconception that if you post while most users an active, then your content would be viewed more. This is absolutely not true, in fact, if you post during peak hours then the chances of your content getting lost in the crowd.

However, if your post during less active hours the probability of your post reaching your desired audience view becomes much higher. You can also experiment by posting at different hours to see which timing suits your business.


4) Quality over quantity

An average user comes across 1500 stories daily on social media and most of them are just scrolled through. This means posting heaps of content is not going to get you the desired objective of organic outreach.

You need to focus on relevant hard-hitting content that catches your user’s attention and entertains them. As we said before, the higher the quality of content you post, the more people the social media channels will make the content visible to.

You need to experiment with the frequency of content posting that suits your brand the best.


5) Engage with your audience as best as you can

Try your best to properly engage with people and reply to all their comments, This would allow your brand to build a great reputation that will spread. People will look forward to your posts because they’ll be interested in what you’re doing.

Developing this kind of bond is crucial for all aspects of your business, but it can create a viral effect on your organic reach. And no marketing tactic will ever beat genuine Word-of-mouth from your audience.


It’s all about content quality and how your time your posts, for that you will need to try out different variations till your find the sweet spot for your business. But never forget to analyse and optimise your channel as per the changing trends.

In case you have any questions on how to boost organic reach for your business, then, please feel free to connect with us and we would love to help you out.


5 Signs You Need to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

Every business wishes to stay on top of their prospective customer’s thoughts whenever they are planning to make buying decisions. However, it’s easier said than done, today’s consumers are more interested in building a connection with brands than even their products or services.

Now if you’re a business owner, then you know digital marketing is the way to build customer relationships and attract traffic towards your business.

One of the crucial decisions as a business owner is deciding whether to set up an internal marketing team or hire a digital marketing agency. In case you’re having a similar question in your mind then you’re at the right place. In this article, we are going to be discussing why might be in need of a digital marketing agency.

Let’s get started, shall we!!

Signs indicating that your business needs a digital marketing agency

As a small business owner, you have enough things to worry about, such as overlooking resources and operations. There are times when you need to allow an expert marketer to grow your business.

1) You’re Not Sure Where Your Money has Gone


You’re Not Sure Where Your Money has Gone


Brand promotion online can consume a major chunk of your financial reserves. If not done carefully, pay-per-click advertising can use up all your bidding amount without giving any real results in return.

With years of experience, a digital marketing agency can execute your PPC campaigns, using targeted keywords and closely monitor the campaigns, so they can adapt accordingly.

Not only using the off-page and on-page SEO activities a digital mating agency can boost your brand’s presence organically in the long term.

2) You’re Doing the Right Things. But Getting the Wrong Results


You’re Doing the Right Things. But Getting the Wrong Results


We’re sure you’ve done your due research regarding digital marketing activities to grow your business. However, Those activities need to be planned and executed in the right order that varies from business to business.

The first step any professional digital marketer will do is analyse your brand’s end-to-end online infrastructure and prepare and custom plan as per your business requirements.

So that each activity applied has the maximum impact in improving your online presence and attracting relevant traffic towards your business.

3) You’re Doing Everything – By Yourself


You’re Doing Everything - By Yourself


You have N number of things to worry about while running your business this includes managing your staff, planning strategies, taking care of organisational logistics and more. This doesn’t leave much scope to effectively handle the burden of roles related to digital marketing.

In a digital marketing agency, there are multiple teams responsible for managing various activities such as SEO, design & content, development, Process automation etc. All these work in sync to achieve the desired results.

4) You Don’t Have 1, 3, 6 & 12 Month Plans in Place


You Don’t Have 1, 3, 6 & 12 Month Plans in Place


This can only have when your business has the right reporting parameters in place. The metrics will help you get a crystal clear image of your organisation’s current status and plan your next moves accordingly.

One of the key responsibilities of digital marketing is designing and implementing a robust reporting infrastructure for your business. Using tools Power BI and Google data studio, the metrics are reported to help you make real-time decisions and plan ahead.

5) Your website is not providing you with the results you need


Your website is not providing you with the results you need


Having a beautiful website is one thing but to meet your organisational objectives it has to rank in the online search results. Now, this is not an easy feat as there is a lot of competition online.

By implementing off-page and on-page SEO activities along with relevant content, the digital marketing agency can empower your website to rank higher in search engine results.

Summing it up


Hiring an external digital marketing agency has many benefits but you should also keep in mind that it takes some time for digital marketing activities to take effect. In case you have any questions or need to hire a professional digital marketer then please contact us and we’ll get in touch with you in no time.


How Instagram can help your business in 2022

In today’s world, small to medium businesses need all the help they can get to gain an edge over their competitors. One of the promising platforms to do so in 2022 is Instagram.

Over the years, Instagram has evolved from a picturesque social media platform to a more video-centric portal like TikTok. It is brilliantly executing features like business analytics, creator marketplace, Instagram shopping, and link sharing on Instagram stories to attract more traffic.

To make the best use of Instagram for your business you need to all about the latest updates and algorithms. And this is what we are going to be discussing in this article.

So without further adieu let’s get started!!

Best uses of Instagram in 2022

As many of us might have while majority of traffic is moving out of mega social media platforms like Facebook. The scope of opportunities for Instagram is growing bigger and bigger.

This year if your wish to expand on Instagram you cannot ignore these two types of content:

1) Carousals

Carousal is an excellent choice for showing off the details of your product, Sharing some highly valuable info. Step by step, share testimonials or simply tell your stories. There is no better choice to increase your engagement and shares.

2) Reels

If you wish to publish funny content to entertain your audience or just grab their attention then using reels is perfect. Just ensure your reels are not in long format as Instagram promotes reels that are short.


Instagram 2022 algorithm

Instagram’s algorithm has gone through several changes many times and it’s consistently evolving.

This means that you should always be experimenting with all sorts of content and strategies to showcase your brand’s presence in front of your audience.

Here are the 3 key aspects of the algorithm:

  1. What: what kind of content do you engage with most.
  2. Who: If there’s a creator whom you engage with most.
  3. When: This focuses on when a post has been posted to decide if it’s relevant to you.

Summing it up

Instagram highly values consistency and relevance of content production, keep making enticing content, add relevant hashtags and your brands will definitely reach the desired audience.

In case your need help setting up your social media channels or have any questions then please feel free to reach out to us, we’d be delighted to help you out.

Keep posting!!

Google Core Algorithm Update of September 2022

The official Google list of algorithm updates will take around 2 weeks to release. And this update is generally being positively welcomed by the online community. While the algorithm is constantly going through changes, however, a core algorithm update tends to be more noticeable.

So let’s dive deeper and find out what the update is all about.

Google core algorithm update

There will be modifications to many parts of the Google algorithm however it’s presumed it will be affecting search results across most languages. The impact of helpful content might become more prominent during a core algorithm update.

With that being said, the helpful content has been an important part of the core algorithm core and is being consistently running so that a new website can be affected by that algorithm component known as the Helpful Content Update (HCU).

As for how to respond to this change The best approach now is to be vigilant of any changes in the search console but don’t react. Search results may bounce around for the next few weeks. Let the search results settle down before trying to make making a definite decision.

We will keep you updated on how the update shapes up, till then stay tuned!!

How email marketing can help in transforming your business

While some might think that email marketing is not as effective as it used to be, that is not the case. It is about how you implement it for your business. True, the age of outbound and impersonal emails is over, but email marketing with context can make a huge impact.

People check their inbox several times a day and when they see an email that catches their eye, they open it. And that will give your brand a chance to engage with them. When you market your product or service through contextual emails the probability of conversion increase exponentially.

In this article, we are going to be discussing how email marketing can benefit your brand, so without further adieu, let’s get started.


Benefits of Email marketing

1. Easy to Analyse and optimise

Every email that is sent, gives metrics and reports that show open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and conversion rates.  These metrics are crucial in understanding which email marketing strategies are working and what needs improvement.

Growth through adaptability is the key to every business’s success.

2. Highly Contextual

Email marketing lists can be easily segmented based on demographics, interests, past behaviour, etc which empowers your business to create personalised messaging that users are looking for. 

This is an effective marketing strategy that helps your marketing message resonate strongly with your audience.

3. Low Cost & Good ROI

Compared to other marketing channels like pay-per-click, email marketing costs very little. With the right email marketing tool such as a CRM or CDP, you can fully automate all your email marketing campaigns. 

However, its advised that you take help from an experienced digital marketer in the begging while setting up your CRM or CDP platforms.

4. Helps in building Relationships, Loyalty & Trust

Customers nowadays are always on the lookout for brands they can relate to. Email marketing is great for building one-on-one relationships with prospects and customers.  

By creating well-written and engaging newsletters and emails, that are in context with the interactions that people have had with your brand, the chances of conversion or repetitive business increase greatly.


Email marketing is still an incredibly viable strategy to reach out to your audience, but you need to ensure your emails are personalised and not spammy. 

In case you have any questions or need help with your email marketing campaigns than simply drop us are line and we will try our best to help you out.
